On 26 January 1988, Aboriginal Australia celebrated and gave a great
show of solidarity, an expression of our ongoing sovereignty of this
country. We've never relinquished the sovereignty of this country. I
think it is important that people realise that it's not a question of
coming and looking at the poor little old Aborigines and asking what
you can do for us. I believe that we are in a position to teach you
how to do the sort of things that I think you have come together to
talk about at this conference.* I believe that Aboriginal Australia
politically is in a very healthy position in terms of controlling our
own affairs within our own community. We have an ongoing battle trying
to get more resources to enable us to do the jobs that we want to do
properly. But Aboriginal Australians have proven, especially in the
last 20 years, that we are capable of solving our own problems if
we've got control over the resources to do so.
An example is in the area of health care. Aboriginal people in the
last 15 years in particular have built up a system of health care that
is unique in the world. It is the only health care system that we know
of which operates in accordance with the basic guidelines laid down by
the World Health Organisation (WHO) for effective delivery of
community health care. It is a revolutionary system for the simple
reason that it's not the so-called professionals who run the system.
It's not a system run by doctors or by people who have been to
university and have letters after their names. It's a system that has
been conceived, designed, established and is today controlled by the
Aboriginal people themselves Aboriginal people from the communities
in which these health services operate. It began 15 years ago with an
Aboriginal health service in Redfern, which had been set up by the
Aboriginal community, and one in Fitzroy, Melbourne. Today, there are
about 60 Aboriginal community-controlled health services throughout
this country. As a group of organisations, they are represented
nationally, politically, by their umbrella organisation which is the
National Aboriginal Islander Health Organisation (NAIHO). It is no
accident that in the last 15 years both conservative Liberal
governments and conservative Labor governments have done everything
they possibly could to try and undermine that organisation. The simple
reason is that the bureaucrats and the politicians have seen NAIHO for
what it is - a threat to them and their power over Aboriginal people.
Too many Australians find it very difficult to accept that Aboriginal
people are capable of controlling their own affairs; are capable of
doing things better than your so-called white experts can. And as a
result we are perceived NAIHO has been perceived as a threat,
especially by the bureaucrats. For 15 years they've done everything
possible to try and starve that organisation of resources when at the
same time that organisation has done unbelievable things. It has not
only overcome immediate problems within the communities where it
operates but has also strengthened politically and nationally the
Aboriginal community.
Around 1980 the federal government allocation for Aboriginal health
was about $20 million a year. Considering the appalling health
problems confronted by the Aboriginal community it was chicken-shit
money, but at the same time even the $20 million was denied Aboriginal
health services. Sixteen million of that 20 million used to be handed
straight over to the various state health bureaucracies around
Australia, not one of which was involved in the delivery of primary
health care. They were all running what they called preventive health
programs which in reality simply meant that they employed a few token
blackfellas to make their offices look good and black, and they made
posters telling Aboriginal people to wash their hands after they go to
the toilet. That was their preventive health program. They didn't take
into account the fact that many Aboriginal communities at that time
had no access even to running water to wash their bloody hands. At the
same time as those $16 million were going into totally inappropriate,
totally pointless state health bureaucratic programs, NAIHO,
representing at that time about 50 community controlled health
services throughout this country, delivered an integrated primary
health care and preventive health care program. According to the WHO
this is the only way you can deliver effective health care. Those 50
community controlled health services, scattered all over Australia,
were expected to operate with about two and a half million of the
remaining $4 million. And yet despite all the attempts to confine our
operations, to control us, to deny us the resources needed to do the
job properly, we still managed through sheer effort, through the
incredible courage and determination of thousands of Aboriginal
people. We managed not only to bring about identifiable improvements
in the health of Aboriginal people where these health services were,
but we also built a formidable national political organisation in the
NAIHO: an organisation that in conjunction with other national
Aboriginal organisations was able to extend the Aboriginal political
movement into the international political arena to such an extent that
the chickens are now well and truly coming home to roost for the Bob
Hawkes and the politicians and the bureaucrats of Australia. There has
never been the extent of international scrutiny of Australia that
exists today, especially in this wonderful year of 1988, possibly the
best year for Aborigines so far at least politically.
What was potentially a politically disastrous year for Aboriginal
people has been transformed into a great success for us. The
bicentennial seems to have fizzled out a little bit lately. Not too
many people seem all that interested in it. But lots of people, both
within Australia and overseas especially, are vitally interested in
what's happening in Aboriginal Australia.
Now you can go and set up Rainbow Alliances and whatever you like but
it is important that you learn that we don't want you to come and say
to us ''what can we do to help you?' It's important that you look at
the true history of our political struggle, especially in the last 20
years or so, and come to the realisation that we've got a lot to teach
you about how to build a grass roots movement from the bottom up, not
from the top down. I think if you look at the way in which the
Aboriginal movement has organised itself, you will see that we didn't
start off by a few hot-shots getting together and making decisions on
behalf of the people at the bottom. It began from the bottom up, from
the community out, identifying specific problems in a given community
and then helping people gain knowledge and information about what was
going on around them. |
Information is power. And through people gaining information about
what should happen or what shouldn't happen, or what their history is,
and what's gone wrong, we're able to get our community organised. For
example, when the Aboriginal Legal Service in New South Wales was
first established it was something that came out of the Aboriginal
community as a direct response by Aboriginal people to a specific
major problem that existed in their community. And the NSW Aboriginal
Legal Service became an extremely important organisation in the
political history of the modern day Aboriginal political movement. It
made an incredible contribution. It was one of the key organisations
involved in the Aboriginal embassy.
People have to look honestly at their own history. I don't believe
enough non-Aboriginal Australians know much about the reality of the
Australian historical experience; about your history; about our
history; about the two and where they connect. I think it is really
important for people to learn that, and make other people aware; you
must try in some way to come to terms with it and at least begin to
understand and try to figure out how to overcome the incredibly
entrenched racism that exists to this day in this society. Australia
has such a long tradition of racism and there's not enough discussion
of that. There aren't enough attempts to come to terms with that; to
understand it; to try and remove the scourges of racism, sexism, and
exploitation from the Australian community. You need to look inwards
to start figuring out how to overcome that.
You've got to do all those things before you come to us and try and do
anything with us. Learn from us. Aboriginal people are doing alright.
Politically, we're doing brilliantly. There's a lot of room for
improvement, but we have a strong united national political movement
which not only attempts to bring about political change, but, parallel
with that, is actually overcoming specific problems that confront our
community. It's not something that's separate from helping people take
control of their own lives. It's something that happens with people in
conjunction with each other, not apart and separate.
If you look and learn from the Aboriginal experience you will see that
Aboriginal people have tried to take control of their own affairs to
exercise true self-determination. Ordinary Aboriginal people
themselves have organised and contributed to the whole process. It's
because Aboriginal people have organised themselves in such a way that
I think is absolutely brilliant. There's no other group of people in
this country who have gone from the position we were in 20 or 25 years
ago to where we are today. |
We are strong and united today. Any of you who marched on 26 January
in Sydney can only have been overwhelmed in the same way I was by the
unbelievable feeling of that day. And it was tremendous to see non-
Aboriginal people marching with us and they got caught up in the
spirit of the thing too. |
We're strong, we're united and we're working on a multitude of levels,
all of which ultimately form one great self-determination for
Aboriginal people in this country: we must achieve economic
independence for ourselves as communities of people. But if we achieve
that in the next ten or 20 years, we will still be surrounded by an
Australia that is in all aspects diametrically the opposite of our
society. We'll end up as what amounts to socialist enclaves in the
midst of a mad capitalist white Australia; a twisted white Australia. |
The only sort of Australia that I think Aboriginal Australia can
ultimately live alongside in true harmony is some form of socialist
republic Australia where racism, sexism and exploitation have been
eliminated. Now, we're doing alright in organising our mob. What the
hell are you mob doing? You are so disorganised and splintered. It's
vitally important that you get your act together, because whether we
like it or not, we're all in this together.