"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
Student Resource Index
Genocide in Australian History
An idex to challenge those who deny that genocide occurred in Australia
for students of History, Politics, Cultural Studies, Australian Studies, Cinema Studies, Social Sciences and Law
Index created 11th May 2014
Genocide in Australia: AIATSIS Research Discussion paper, Number 8, 1999 by Colin Tatz
Sorry, and not sorry, in Australia: how the apology to the stolen generations buried a history of genocide by Tony Barta Journal of Genocide Research (2008), 10(2), June
The Holocaust, the Aborigines, and the bureaucracy of destruction: an Australian dimension of genocideby Paul R. Bartrop - Journal of Genocide Research (2001), 3(1), 75-87
Coming to terms with genocidal pasts in comparative perspective: Germany and Australia by A. Dirk Moses Aboriginal History 2001 VOl 25
Confronting Australian genocide by Colin TatzAboriginal History 2001 VOL 25
A comparative study of genocide in California and Tasmania by Ashley Riley Sousa - Journal of Genocide Research (2004), 6(2), June, 193-209
Modern by analogy: modernity, Shoah and the Tasmanian genocide by Jesse Shipway - Journal of Genocide Research (2005), 7(2), June, 205-219
Conceptual blockages and definitional dilemmas in the 'racial century': genocides of indigenous peoples and the Holocaust by A. D. Moses - Patterns of Prejudice (2002)
An antipodean genocide? The origins of the genocidal moment in the colonization of Australia by A. Dirk Moses -Journal of Genocide Research (2000), 2(1)
Patterns of frontier genocide: Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the Herero of Namibia by Benjamin Madley -Journal of Genocide Research (2004), 6(2), June
Cover-up and Denial of genocide: Australia, the USA, East Timor, and the Aborigines by Ben Kiernan - Critical Asian Studies34:2 (2002) , 163-192
Genocide: the distance between law and life by Larissa Behrendt - Aboriginal History 2001 VOL 25
Genocide: definitions, questions, settler-colonies by Ann Curthoys and John Docker - Aboriginal History 2001 Vol 25
Genocide in Australia by Colin Tatz - Journal of Genocide Research (1999), 1(3), 315-352
discourses of genocide in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America and Australia by Norbert Finzsch - Patterns of Prejudice,39:2,97-115
Indigenocide and the Massacre of Aboriginal History by Raymond Evans and Bill Thorpe - Overland.l63.2001
Discourses of genocide in Germany and Australia: a linked history by Tony Barta - Aboriginal History 2001 VOL 25
The Holocaust, the Aborigines, and the bureaucracy of destruction: an Australian dimension of genocide by Paul R. Bartrop - Journal of Genocide Research (2001), 3(1)
Australian History - Lifting haze or descending fog? John Maynard - Aboriginal History 2003 Vol 27
'Breed out the Colour' or the Importance of Being White Russell McGregor - Australian Historical Studies 120, 2002
Clio or Janus? - Historians and the Stolen Generations Peter Read - Australian Historical Studies 118, 2002
An Essay in disappointment: the Aboriginal-Jewish relationship Colin Tatz - Aboriginal History 2004 Vol 28
Rethinking the Origins of Terra Nullius by Merete Borch - Australian Historical Studies 117, 2001
Of a 'contested ground' and an 'indelible stain' by L. Veracini - Aboriginal History 2003 Vol 27
Master Narratives and the dispossession of the Wiradjuri by Gaynor Macdonald - Aboriginal History 1998 Vol 22
Absorbing the 'Aboriginal problem': controlling interracial marriage in Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Kat Ellinghaus - Aboriginal History 2003 Vol 27
Genocide in Australiaby Andrew Markus - Aboriginal History 2001 Vol 25
Moving the Genocide Debate Beyond the History Wars· by A. Dirk Moses
Nation and Miscegenation: Discursive Continuity in the Post-Mabo Era by Patrick Wolfe
Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native by Patrick Wolfe - Journal of Genocide Research (2006), 8(4), December, 387-409
The Stolen Generations and genocide: Robert Manne's In denial: the Stolen Generations and the Right by Bain Atrwood - Aboriginal History 2001 VOL 25
Sorry, and not sorry, in Australia: how the apology to the stolen generations buried a history of genocide by Tony Barta - Journal of Genocide Research,10:2,201-214
Cannibalism: A white colonist myth? by Geoffrey Partington - Quadrant May 2000
Moving the Genocide Debate Beyond the History Wars· by A. Dirk Moses - Australian Journal ofPolitics and History: Volume 54, Number 2,2008, pp. 248-270.
Theft in the name of science by Paul Turnbull - Griffith REVIEW
A Dark History: Thoughts on Australia by John Martin - Arena august-september 2008
Identity - The echoes sound on ghetto walls by H. C. Coombs- Sydney George Judah Cohen Lecture: Sydney University 1972
Instructions to Captain Cook by By the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain 30th of July 1768
Instructions to Governor Arthur Phillip 25th day of April 1787.
The Aborigines and the Rocket Range Donald Thompson, 1947
The Last Man: The mutilation ofWilliam Lanne in 1869 and its aftermath by Stefan Petrow - ABORIGINAL HISTORY 1997 VOL 21
Stolen Generations testimony: trauma, historiography, and the question of 'truth' by Rosanne Kennedy - ABORIGINAL HISTORY 2001 VOl25
Whitening race: a critical engagement by Gillian Cowlishaw at a Forum on Whiteness at Gleebooks, 3 August 2005.
'Their Ultimate Absorption': Assimilation in 1930s Australia by John Chesterman and Heather Douglas - Colonial Post: Journal of Australian Studies no 81 2004
Windschuttle's Fabrication of Aboriginal History : a View from the Other Side by Vicki Grieves - Labour History Number 85 November 2003
Reviewing the History Wars by Stuart Macintyre - Labour History Number 85 November 2003
Keith Windschuttle and Aboriginal History by R. J. Stove - National Oberver Autum 2003
The Changing Politics of Miscegenation by Mitchell Rolls - ABORIGINAL HISTORY 2005 VOL 29
How race became everything: Australia and polygenism by Kay Anderson and Colin Perrin - Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 31 No. 5 July 2008 pp. 962-990
An Essay in Disappointment: the Aboriginal - Jewish Relationship by Colin Tatz - ABORIGINAL HISTORY 2004 Vol 28
Robert Manne, The Apology and Genocide by Patrick Wolfe - Arena Magazine 94 April - May 2008
State of the World's Indigenous Peoples by United nations Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2009