Bill Hunter

Agent: Morrissey M'ment
Ph: 02 9552 2289

Bill Hunter is one Australia's best known and talented character actors with a career spanning over 35 years. His many Film, Television & Theatre credits are testament to the high regard in which Bill is held.

Recent hits 'Strictly Ballroom', 'Muriel's Wedding' and 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' have all benefited from Bill's style and depth of talent.

Film Awards

  • * A.F.I. (Australian Film Institute) 1994 Australian Movie Star of the Year
  • 1994: Best Support Actor, Film Critics Award - "Muriels Wedding"
  • 1994: A.F.I. Best Support Actor Nomination - "Muriels Wedding"
  • A.F.I - Best Actor - "Newsfront"
  • A.F.I.- Best Support Actor - "Gallipoli"

Television Awards

  • A.F.I - Best Actor "Police State"
  • A.F.I.- Best Actor "The Dismissal"
  • A.F.I.- Best Actor "Scales of Justice"



Film Credits

Television Credits

*ABC - (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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