1970 Black Power Conference in Altlanta, Georgia

Visit by Indigenous Activists to USA

Aborigines to attend Black Power talks - Age 1st August 1970
The Official Invitation to Attend - 21st August 1970
Aboriginals for the U.S. - the Australian 22nd August 1970
Aboriginals for Congress - the Sun 22nd August 1970
Aboriginals Going To America - the Australian 31st August 1970
Be Militant for Natives - the Age 31st August 1970
Aborigines to study in the USA - the Northcote Leader 2nd September 1970
Patsy wants to learn how to start a thought rebellion - the Age 2nd September 1970
World Unity of Blacks Sought at Parley - the New York Times 4th September 1970
Aborigines Must Make Alliances - the New York Times 4th September 1970
Index of Rare Photos of 1970 Indigenous Delegation in the USA