Diabetes 'threatens to wipe out Aborigines'

Jill Stark
November 13, 2006

THE Aboriginal population of Australia could be wiped out by the end of the century unless urgent action is taken to curb a global diabetes disaster described as the "biggest epidemic in world history".

International experts will converge on Melbourne today for a three-day crisis summit convened to put pressure on the United Nations to tackle the threat of extinction facing indigenous communities around the world.

The so-called "Cocacolanisation" of traditional cultures, with communities adopting Western lifestyles and fast-food diets, has been blamed for a rapid rise in type 2 diabetes.

An estimated one in five indigenous Australians has diabetes. Inadequate access to health care means many cases are undiagnosed, resulting in blindness, kidney disease and amputations.

"If we don't do something, there is a real chance that Australia's indigenous community will be wiped out by the end of the century," said Monash University professor of diabetes Paul Zimmet, who is one of the organisers of the forum being staged by the International Diabetes Federation.

"The world needs to act now if we're to deal with this problem, which threatens to consume world economies and bankrupt health systems.

"We are dealing with the biggest epidemic in world history."

Professor Zimmet said the Aboriginal community had one of the lowest life expectancies in the world. For every diagnosed case of diabetes, up to four went undiagnosed, he said.

"Fatty foods and foods rich in refined sugars are being eaten by these communities instead of their traditional foods," he said. "Then you've also got … indigenous people who leave their homeland and come into the city, where they meet the same thing. This really is the biggest epidemic Australia's ever faced in our indigenous community."

There are an estimated 350 million indigenous people worldwide. The diabetes epidemic is mirrored in Asia, the Pacific, Canada, New Zealand and North and South America. Up to half the adults on the Pacific island of Nauru and 45 per cent of Sioux and Pima Indians in the US have type 2 diabetes. In Canada and the Torres Strait Islands, 30 per cent of the indigenous populations have the disease. In the Torres Strait, children as young as six are being diagnosed and some are suffering heart attacks and renal failure in their early teens.

The link between obesity and diabetes is so well established that experts refer to "diabesity" as a disease in its own right.

Canadian expert Stewart Harris said diabetes had replaced infectious diseases as the main threat to indigenous people.

"Obesity in particular is driving the epidemic and … debilitating complications are often evident by the age of 30," Professor Harris said.

Future generations are also at risk. One in five pregnancies among indigenous women is affected by diabetes and cases will rise by about 5 to 10 per cent a year without intervention.

Delegates at today's Diabetes in Indigenous People Forum will look at the economic burden of the disease.

Professor Zimmet said governments in developed countries, including Australia, were reluctant to make changes. He called for a United Nations resolution declaring diabetes an international disaster.


