new production The Dirty Mile takes Fitzroy's indigenous
history to the streets, writes Dan Rule.
WE ARE standing in Carlton Gardens, opposite the corner of
Gertrude and Nicholson streets. It is a Sunday afternoon and the sun
is out. To our right, the forecourt of the Melbourne Museum is
littered with tourists; cameras slung around necks, bags on
shoulders, they amble about with no obvious purpose. A giant plasma
screen projects Games updates and medal tallies across park. A
minute or two passes.
Four figures appear from behind a small row of eucalyptus
saplings, 40 or 50 metres off. As they edge closer, we realise they
are wrapped in blankets and shawls - two women, two men.
They seem nervous, diffident.
They pause in front of us. There is an awkward silence. One of
the men eventually steps forwards."
We are the Woiwurrung," he announces. "Welcome to our country. We
acknowledge our elders and pay our respects to the spirits of the
"Womin-jeka. Merrim beek beek," his companions echo.
We are taking our first steps of The Dirty Mile, the new
production from Ilbijerri Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Theatre Co-operative. Described as a "dramatised walking trail", the
production is akin to street theatre.
Weaving its way along the length of Gertrude Street (or Dirty
Gerty) the show - which includes dramatised street scenes, music,
historical monologues, site tours and speeches by local elder Aunty
Denise Lovett - works to map Fitzroy's rich indigenous
history since European settlement.
As director Kylie Belling explains, "With the concept of the
walk, we wanted to get back to the basic premise of bringing that
history to life. Fitzroy's a very unique place for Aboriginal
people, and people seem really keen to find out about that sort of
thing, like the history of the area in which they live."
We don't need to be reminded of it as Aboriginal people, but the
more the mainstream are taught these kinds of things, the more it
will all make sense."
The history Belling refers to is articulated via scenes and
speeches at significant Koori sites and landmarks. We are shown the
Morton Bay figtree in Carlton Gardens that served as a meeting place
for Aboriginal families living in Melbourne in the 1930s; we witness
one of Pastor Doug Nicholls' sermons at his Aboriginal Church in the
1940s; we are taken to the MAYSAR (Melbourne Aboriginal Youth Sport
And Recreation) gym where world champion boxers Lionel Rose and Baby
Cassius Austin once trained.
But The Dirty Mile isn't all smiles. Although largely addressed
through comedy, the production draws attention to a continuous theme
of dispossession running throughout indigenous Fitzroy
Indeed, during some of the show's earliest scenes, characters
relate stories of constant displacement - of being moved from
mission to mission in rural Victoria - before ending up in Fitzroy,
where the trend inevitably continues. Koori munitions workers and
returned World War II soldiers are harassed for "loitering" on Webb
Street, while, at the Atherton Public Housing Estate, Aunty Denise
Richards relates stories of scores of Koori residents being evicted
from their homes when the government built the highrise towers in
the early 1970s.
Belling, who co-wrote the production with Gary Foley and John
Harding - as an adaptation of an original treatment by Lisa Bellear
- understands the walking trail as a rare chance to tell such urban
Aboriginal stories, ignored in mainstream Australian histories and
The media have attempted to make one homogenous indigenous
story," she says. "And you know, we've been taught to think of
Aboriginal people in Fitzroy or Smith Street as 'the problem' or
'the issue'. We're not taught about why black fellas will always
have a real connection to here no matter what. If it wasn't into the
mission or the reserves, then it was into the city and Fitzroy,
because where else could you go?" "That's what became really clear
when we started doing this project. I mean, I always knew it anyway
- the constant attempts at dispersal and the emotional connection
black fellas have to the place, despite all the changes."
Belling, who is of Yorta Yorta/Bangarang/Wiradjurri descent, grew
up in Keilor in Melbourne's outer north-west.
After graduating from the VCA School of Drama in 1985, she took
on numerous acting roles in film and television throughout her 20s -
including parts in cult series, Prisoner, The Flying Doctors, and
films The Fringe Dwellers and Until the End of the World - before
becoming dissatisfied with what she describes as "tokenistic"
What would happen was you were given that really token role, and
then you were meant to be the cultural expert," she says."
I've been in situations where directors have rolled out these
artefacts in front of me and said, 'What would you people carry?'
How the hell would I know?" she laughs. "I'm suddenly meant to be a
historical guide or something.
I grew up in Keilor!" "So I sort of moved into theatre from
that," she continues. "It was like, white fellas aren't writing
roles for this little black duck."
It was only after returning from an indigenous playwrights
conference in 1990 that Belling realised she wasn't alone in wanting
artistic self-determination, and, along with Harding and Des Murray,
founded Ilbijerri - which means "coming together for social
purposes" - the same year.
Now Australia's longestrunning indigenous theatre
co-operative, Ilbijerri has long been committed to telling
Aboriginal stories for Aboriginal people. But this has proved more
difficult than it sounds."
I mean, we do this first and foremost for us," says Belling. "And
Ilbijerri had a real responsibility to do that I reckon, but how do
you get black bums on seats?
"It's very difficult, so we always have to try new and
interesting ways to get organisations and individuals to come,
because their propensity isn't to come to the theatre. It's never
catered for them before, and they've got so many other things to
deal with in their lives."
So maybe you go to where they are, near to what matters to them,
and do it there."
And with the direct involvement of their Fitzroy community
partners Parkies Inc. as walk marshals, and with the permission of
elders, The Dirty Mile attempts to do just that."
I didn't even know until four days ago whether this would work or
not at all," laughs Belling. "But the actors just came on board and
were, like this is so important, we love it, and the marshals
thought it was great to be part of something that's, hopefully,
doing something important."
The Dirty Mile takes in Gertrude Street this Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. Details: or phone 0405 808