"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
The Koori History Newspaper Archive
1900 to 1950
Notice: These pages are being updated during January - May 2011
"Widow of Police Officer Does Not Believe Aborigines Can Govern Themselves" - Herald 9th February 1929
"Future of Aborigines - State not suggested - 'proposal impacticable" - Argus 12th February 1929
"Nemarluk's Journey of Pain - Tribesmen tell of native's remarkable escape" - Sydney Sunday Sun 8th October 1933
"Clean Away - Abo Killer in Territory" - Argus 18th October 1933
"Police Cordon Broken - Black Killer Still Free" - Herald 18th October 1933
"Black Tracker - terrific struggle with escapee" - Canberra Times 18th October 1933
"Police Fears of Nemarluk - Epic escape to the bush" - Herald 23rd October 1933
"Armed party turns back - Rain aids escape of Nemarluk" - Herald 24th October 1933
"Will Nemarluk shoot it out? - Native report of armed resistance" - Herald 19th February 1934
"Nemarluk in gaol again" - Herald 26th March 1934
"Black prisoners and their chains - Neck system claimed to be more 'humanitarium" - Herald 31st March 1934
"Official Recommendation for commutation of death sentence on Nemarluk - 18th April 1934
"Pot shots taken at blacks to test rifles" - Sun Pictorial 30th April 1934
"Mr. Lyons only white man at blacks deputation" - Sun Pictorial 25th January 1938
"Aborigines mourn while white men celebrate" - Herald 26th January 1938
"Stir Among Blacks - 70 Leave Station" - Argus 6th February 1939
"Fitzroy Aborigines Complain of Persecution" - Herald 17th September 1941
"Why Scientists Study our Aborigines" - Argus 14th April 1945
"Aborigines Defeat Northcote" - Argus 19th June 1945
"Our River Has Had Four Names" - Argus 18th August 1945
"Abos case to go before UN" - Herald 13th December 1945
"US attack on our native policy" - Herald 22nd August 1946
"Aborigines claims for the world's highest court" - Herald 30th January 1947
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