"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.

Material on ATSIC

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission

- of interest to students of history, politics, education, sociology and Australian studies -

*Policies entrench poverty - Australian 23rd September 2005
*$136m in grant links revealed - Sydney Morning Herald 10th April 1996
*Report suggests misuse of funds - Age 10th April 1996
*ATSIC falls under the microscope - Age 3rd May 1996
*Self-destruction? - Age 2nd March 1995
*Bamblett says suggestion of influence `an insult' - Age 20th September 1995
*Tickner orders Bamblett inquiry - Age 21st June 1994
*Koori Inc. - A patriarchy, not a party, dominates Aboriginal politics - Age 20th April 1994
This index is under construction
