Koori History Video Clips

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Charlie Perkins talks about his 1965 Freedom Ride

Paul Coe speaks in 1972

The inimitable Mac Silva sings Malabar Mansion - (audio only)

ACT Police smash the Aboriginal Embassy for the first time 20th July 1972 (no sound)

ACT Police smash the Aboriginal Embassy for the second time 23rd July 1972

ACT Police smash the Aboriginal Embassy for the third time 30th July 1972

Clip from first all-Aboriginal TV show, "Basically Black" - ABC-TV 1973

Another clip from first all-Aboriginal TV show, "Basically Black" - ABC-TV 1973

Paul Coe on what happened to Land Rights

Gary Foley speaking at rally in Sydney in lead up to 1982 Stolenwealth Games in Brisbane

Stolenwealth Games; Brisbane 1982 - PM Mal Fraser arrives in the mayhem

Mass arrests at QEII Stadium, Brisbane - 1982 Stolenwealth Games

Foley Speaks - Melbourne 2004

A Bozo called Bono

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