"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
Tracker Magazine columns by Gary Foley 2011 -2012
From April 2011 until April 2014 Gary Foley wrote a regular column for Sydney-based Tracker Magazine.
The column was called The Contrarian and Tracker was
published monthly by the NSW Aborignal Land Council, until the magazine was closed under political pressure. Below is an index of all columns that Foley wrote over the 3 years of Tracker's existence.
click on title to read more |
As the Twilight Fades... - May, 2014 |
Thoughts on Assimilation - March 2014 |
Education Minister Pyne Opens a New Front in the History Wars - January 2014 |
Looking Back on 2013: A personal reflection - December 2013 |
Music, Mac and Malabar Mansion - October 2013 |
A Tale of Strange Bedfellows in History - September 2013 |
Warren Mundine: White Sheep of the Family? - August 2013 |
Brian Syron - Forgotten Aboriginal Hero of Theatre - July 2013 |
Reflections on People and History - June 2013 |
Time to Dream - Pioneer Aboriginal Filmmakers - May 2013 |
Liberation Thorugh Acquisition: The Prophet of Profit - 23 April 2013 |
Barks Bite the British Museum - 12th March 2013 |
Sloppy Journalism Reinforces White Myths - 14 February 2013 |
How Bob Hawke Killed Land Rights - January 2013 |
Memoriam to my Friend and Mentor: Bruce McGuinness - 10 October 2012 |
Black Power, Black Theatre and Black Humour - 19th August 2012 |
Black Power and Aboriginal Arts - 2nd August 2012 |
Reflections on 2012 NAIDOC and the 1972 Aboriginal Embassy - 15th July 2012 |
The Aptly Named W.C. Wentworth - First Minister for Aboriginal Affairs- 14th July 2012 |
How to Steal the Human Rights of Aboriginal People - 25th May 2012 |
Machiavelli Macklin or the Politics of Mediocrity? - 8th April 2012 |
White Myth-Making and the State of Denial - April 4, 2012 |
Eugenics, Melbourne University and Me - February 2012 |
False Idols and Broken Dreams - 1st February 2012 |
Learning from History: A Few Important Events of the 1950s - 26th October 2011 |
Learning from History: 1950s - Peak of the Assimilation Era- 19th September 2011 |
Learning from History: 1946 Pilbara Aboriginal Stockmen's Strike - October 2011 |
1930s: Era of Assimilation and Activism - September 2011 |
The Answer is a Better Knowledge of History 15th July 2011 |
Ode to Billy Hunter: Gary Foley's address to Bill Hunter Memorial Service, Princess Theatre, Melbourne - 26th May 2011 |
Freedom of Speech or Freedom to Denigrate?- May 2011 |
Of Spooks and Imaginary Plots: ASIO and the 1970s Black Power Movement - 7th April, 2011 |
site designed and maintained by Gary Foley