Great Moments in Indigenous History

Gurindji Win Their Battle for Land

The historic battle for land and justice by the Gurindji people enters a new phase when Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbollically pours soil into the hand of legendary Gurindji leader Vincent Lingiari in 1975.

The Gurindji's ten year struggle had in part inspired a generation of young, urban-based indigenous political activists who went on to stage some of the most succesful political protests ever mounted in the history of Koori resistance.

This photo, by Aboriginal photographer Merv Bishop, was posed after Merv had failed to get a good shot of the original event a few moments earlier. Merv says he asked the two men to walk a few paces from the throng and repeat the action so he could record it properly. The above famous shot is the result.

Photo: Merv Bishop
