"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
Great Moments in Indigenous History
In the Indigenous peoples' long, historic struggle for justice in Australia
there have been, and continue to be, many important moments.

This picture gallery seeks to identify and illustrate some of the
important and great moments in recent history.

- Click on any of the following -
Cops attack Embassy
Gurindji Win
Kids Beat Kennett
1938 Day of Mourning
Rose & Hurricane
Rose meets Hurricane
HRH Elizabeth II
Historic moment
Mal & Lowitja
Mal & Lowitja Sing!
Sydney March
Faith & Nelson
Legends meet
Brisbane Games Demos
Richard Bell Wins Telstra!
Black Barks Bite British
Bonner Boomerangs
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site designed and maintained by Gary Foley