"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
Warning! -This site contains images of indigenous people now deceased!
1965 NSW "Freedom Ride" Newspaper Report Index

* Select one of the indexes below *
"35 To Defy Colour Bar" - Australian 12th February 1965
"Students Picket Color-Bar Club" - Australian 15th February 1965
"Race Bar Students in Angry Scenes" Sydney Morning Herald 16th February 1965
"A Quiet Day at Moree" Sydney Morning Herald 17th February 1965
"Churchman Wants an Enquiry into Walgett Crash" Canberra Times 17th February 1965
"Picketed Offer Drinks to Pickets" Sydney Morning Herald 17th February 1965
"Facing Up To The Facts" Editorial Australian 18th February 1965
"The Freedom Rider's - 'I Wish I Were Jet Black'" by Sam Lipski The Bulletin 20th February 1965
"Race Tour Driver Walks Out" Australian 22nd February 1965
"Aborigines Have a Right to a Full Life" Editorial Australian 22nd February 1965
Letters to the Editor Australian 22nd February 1965
"Moree Men in Court Today" Canberra Times 22nd February 1965
"The Other Side of the Creek" Editorial Canberra Times 22nd February 1965
"Tension Grows at Moree.." Sydney Morning Herald 22nd February 1965