A short documentary history of the Block in Redfern
Material from the Gary Foley Collection

Moore moves to block Redfern's revamp

By Skelsey, Mark
The Daily Telegraph
30th November 2004

THE State Government yesterday denied it had made any move for control of Redfern's infamous "Block", but leaked Cabinet papers show it was considering the radical plan.

They detailed a $5 billion development, to lose Redfern/ Waterloo's slum tag.

This could include demolition of high-rise public housing, the sale of the former Redfern public school and a $30 million redevelopment of Redfern railway station.

As much as $540 million of public assets could be developed and 20,000 new private renters and owners brought in.

The Cabinet papers show that the Aboriginal Housing Company could be forced to give the government a 10-year lease over its land at the Block, which the Federal Government gave it in 1973.

Frank Sartor, the minister responsible for the area, said no decision had been made regarding the future of the Block. But the leaking of the papers has revealed a surprising schism among Premier Bob Carr's Cabinet on the issue

. Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore called legislation to create the new Redfern/Waterloo Authority "draconian", and she would lobby cross-bench members to amend it.

"I can see it's a grab for land and cash. "It is quite a frightening precedent," she said.

But Redfern Chamber founder and president Tony Larkings welcomed the plans.
