"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.
This site contains images of indigenous people now deceased!
A Photographic Diary of Gary Foley's Life 1999 - 2001
NAIDOC 2002 in Bunjilaka
NAIDOC Week 2002
New collection of random pix from all eras
June 2002
Life at Bunjilaka - my new workplace
2000 - 2001
Pix from Sydney Racism Conference
20th - 22nd February 2001
Miscellaneous Pictures from Foley's digital camera
November 2000 - January 2001
A few snaps from the Reconciliation weekend in Melbourne
2nd-3rd December
Foley Opens Lin Onus Retrospective at QLD Art Gallery, Brisbane
23rd November
Stefano de Pieri and the party at Angelo's
Foley snaps pics at ATSIC Treaty Think Tank Meeting, Melbourne
9th November
Paparazzi Foley at the launch of Shane Maloney's new novel
3rd November
Pictures of life at work at University of Melbourne
May to October
A visit to Yarramunua Dreaming Stall, Victoria Market
A jolly night at the Institute of Postcolonial Studies
Foley takes pix at Fitzroy's Brunswick Street Festival
1st October 2000
JK & GF visit Batman's landing spot instead of the Olympics
17th September 2000
The cosmic avenger stirs up Geelong.
3rd June 2000
Missing in Action
5th June 2000
Students for Land Justice & Reconcilliation, Melbourne Uni.
6th May 2000
Foley teaches subject at Melbourne university
11th May 2000
Party of the Century - Foley's 50th - Melbourne
1st May 2000
Note: This site is under re-construction until October 2004
site designed and maintained by Gary Foley