"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.

Politics & Indigenous Affairs

- Education Resource of Articles and Essays on the Politics of Australian Indigenous Affairs -

for students of political science, history, cultural studies and indigenous studies
* Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems by George Monbiot 15 April 2016 - the Guardian
* The Government turns a blind eye to Aboriginal disadvantage by Sarah Gill 30th March 2016 - the Age
* National Indigenous Times acquired by Wayne Bergmann's 'pro-business' syndicate by Ben Collins 21 January 2016 - ABC news
* Indigenous incarceration in Australia at a glance April 15, 2016 - the Conversation
* Empowered Communities project stalled since Turnbull took over from Abbott by Michael Gordon 5th December 2015 - the Canberra Times
* Adam Goodes, Lewis Jetta, Cathy Freeman, Nicky Winmar: five times black pride was shut down by Marcus Strom July 29, 2015 - the SMH
* Bad Aunty: Seven Years On, How ABC Lateline Sparked The Racist NT Intervention by Chris Graham June 21, 2015 - New Matilda
* Who's afraid of the Indigenous middle class? by Larissa Behrendt 9 June 2015 - the Guardian
* Langton's 'racist accusation' expunged from history by Amber Jamieson March 26, 2013 - Crikey.com
* Marcia Langton sparks academic spat over charges of 'racism' by Andrew Crook Feb 27, 2013 - Crikey.com
* Marcia Langton defends non-disclosure on mining cash before Boyers by Andrew Crook February 22, 2013 - Crikey.com
* "Opportunity Lost" : Marcia Langton's Boyer Lectures by Boris Frankel - Arena Magazine February 2013
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series -Introduction by Marcia Langton - Sunday 18 November 2012 - ABC Radio National
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series - Lecture 1 by Marcia Langton - Sunday 18 November 2012 - ABC Radio National
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series -Lecture 2 by Marcia Langton - Sunday 25 November 2012 - ABC Radio National
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series -Lecture 3 by Marcia Langton - Sunday 2 December 2012 - ABC Radio National
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series -Lecture 4 by Marcia Langton - Sunday 9 December 2012 - ABC Radio National
* Marcia Langton Boyer 2012 Lecture Series -Lecture5 by Marcia Langton - Sunday 16 December 2012 - ABC Radio National
* White Australia has a blackface history by Maxine Beneba Clarke - Overland Issue 199 Winter 2010
* Chronicler of a disaster foretold Marcia Langton - 9th March 2009 - the Australian
* Man with his work cut out Noel Pearson on Barak Obama - 8th November 2008 - the Australian
* Offer could aid people who need it by Noel Pearson - 25th October 2008 - the Australian
* Thinkers, take up the chalk by Steven Schwartz and Noel Pearson - 4th September 2008 - the Australian
* Ban Aboriginal dole until 21, Noel Pearson pleads - 22nd August 2008 - The Australian
* Five steps get them off welfare by Noel Pearson - 9th August 2008 - The Australian
* Forget a treaty, say Pearson, Yunupingu - 25th April 2008 - The Australian
* Obama! What he must do to win Noel Pearson Essay - 24th April 2008 - the Monthly
* Agendas of addiction by Noel Pearson - 1st March 2008 - The Australian
* Incentives will bring top teachers by Noel Pearson - 19th January 2008 - the Australian
* Homes built on despair by Noel Pearson - 5th January 2008 - the Australian
* Blame game ends here by Noel Pearson - 15th December 2007 - The Australian
* It's time to stop playing politics with vulnerable lives by Marcia Langton - 30th November 2007 - the Sydney Morning Herald
* Labor accused of selling Cape down the river by Tony Koch - 14th November 2007 - the Australian
* Noel Pearson's statement on Kevin Rudd by Noel Pearson - 23rd November 2007 - the Australian
* Whose coup? Canberra and clan both celebrate a deal by Jo Chandler - 22nd September 2007 - the Age
* The challenge begins by Galarrwuy Yunupingu - 21st September 2007 - the Australian
* Top leader now backs Territory intervention by Lindsay Murdoch - 20th September 2007 - the Age
* "I thank God every night, says new Labor head Warren Mundine" - 6th July 2006 - the Catholic Weekly
* "Beware of a relapse, Noel" by Christopher Pearson - 1st July 2006 - the Australian
* "The rappers are revolting" - 1st July 2006 - the Age
* "The end of democracy in Canberra" by Larissa Behrendt - 29th June 2006 - National Indigenous Times
* "Black voices lost in howl of a hostile media" - 29th June 2006 - National Indigenous Times
* "Telling it like it is" - 29th June 2006 - National Indigenous Times
* "Don't listen to those who despise us" by Noel Pearson - 26th June 2006 - the Age
* "Black health 'horror'" - 22nd June 2006 - the Australian
* "Few Aboriginal communities can govern themselves" - 21 June 2006 - the Age
* "Nation of riches is a poor performer" - 28th March 2006 - the Age
* "Christopher Pearson: Shift in the right direction" - 18th March 2006 - the Australian
* "Memo: we're not all sharing in the common wealth" - 17th March 2006 - the Age
* "Without Cathy Freeman, Aborigines aren't in the race" - 14th March 2006 - the Age
* "Aborigines quitting the Public Service" - 16th February 2006 - the Australian
* "Gary Johns: The land rights initiative has failed" - 7th February 2006 - the Australian
* "Libs play race card on beach stabbings" - 6th February 2006 - the Australian
* "Stop whingeing, Mundine warns ALP" - 30th January 2006 - the Age
* "Warren Mundine: Labor's great black hope" - 31st December 2005 - the Australian
* "An excellent year for conservatives and the country" - 28th December 2005 - the Australian
* "The great American hypnosis" by Harold Pinter - 9th December 2005 - the Age
* "Schooling for Kooris under fire" - 7th December 2005 - the Age
* "Costello's welfare" - 6th December 2005 - the Age
* "How Peter Costello became a Cape crusader" - 6th December 2005 - the Age
* "No faith in charity" - 19th November 2005 - the Australian
* "Couple's rift exposes years of corruption" - 16th October 2005 -
* "ALP offers cautious support to land rights reforms" - 5th October 2005 - National Indigenous Times
* "NSWALC weighs in, Mundine weighs out?" - 29th September 2005 - National Indigenous Times
* "The dark side of The Latham Diaries" - 29th September 2005 - National Indigenous Times
* "Ten reasons you shouldn't go into politics" by Mark Latham - 28th September 2005 - the Age
* "Helen Hughes: Policies entrench poverty" - 23rd September 2005 - the Australian
* "Quiet revolution a silent disaster" - 16th September 2005 - National Indigenous Times
* "Aborigines must change to survive: Mundine" - 10th September 2005 - the Australian
* "The winds of change at Papunya" - 4th September 2005 - the Age
* "The dollars and sense of Shared Responsibility Agreements just don't add up" - 1st September 2005 - NIT
* "Hope lies in the great Australian dream: Warren Mundine" - 15th August 2005 - the Australian
* "Lawyers fail the native title test" - 8th August 2005 - the Australian
* "A new indigenous politics" - 8th August 2005 - the Australian
* "Clash of cultures: Aboriginal leader rejects Pearson as 'new messiah' " - 30th July 2005 - the Age
* "Number of Aborigines in prison stuns activist Angela Davis" - 22nd July 2005 -
* "Clare Martin defends anti-social behaviour laws" - 17th June 2005 - AM Programme ABC Radio
* "Millions fund just four houses" - 13th June 2005 - the Australian
* "Indigenous Affairs ministry not the answer, Pearson says" - 6th June 2005 - ABC Radio
* "Pearson no Messiah: O'Donoghue" - 6th June 2005 - the Australian
* "Pearson backs Howard's approach to Indigenous affairs" - 5th June 2005 - ABC-TV
* "A Nation Dispossessed" by Pat Dodson - 31st May 2005 - the Age
* "Noel Pearson: Working for a better life" - 17th May 2005 - the Australian
* "Reconciliation a building block" - by Noel Pearson - 19th April 2005 - the Australian
* "Pearson named Australian of the Year" - 15th January 2005 - the Australian
* "Noel Pearson is Dangerous" - 2005 -
* "Solidarity Activism, Identity Politics and Popular Education" - by Tim Anderson - 2005 -
* "The mutual obligation of fascists, racist scum and cold-hearted pricks" by Michael Mansell - December 2004 -
* "Indigenous affairs back on agenda" - 25th December 2004 - the Age
* "'Racist' officers favour white tenants" - 16th December 2004 - the Australian
* "Australian Holocaust museum honors Aborigines· protest of Nazis" - 15th December 2004 - JTA
* "Australian Holocaust museum honors Aborigines· protest of Nazis" - 15th December 2004 - JTA
* "Patrick Dodson: Why I've changed my mind" - 7th December 2004 - the Australian
* "Indigenous leaders respond to land rights overhaul" - 6th December 2004 - "The World Today" ABC Radio
* "New hope for indigenous Australians"- Editorial - 6th December 2004 - Brisbane Courier Mail
* "Sue Gordon: A force for her people" - 4th December 2004 - the Age
* "Now for the humiliation of Aborigines" - 2nd December 2004 - the Age
* "Indigenous payments may be linked to behaviour" - 11th November 2004 - ABC Radio
* "Vanstone announces ATSIC replacement" - 11th November 2004 - National Indigenous Times
* "Mixed ironies in Aboriginal issue " - 17th June 2004 - the Australian
* "Labor, war and the illusions of Australian democracy" - June 2004 -
* "ATSIC Bowled Out" - 18th April 2004 - "Speaking Out" Programme ABC Radio
* "The Dodsons' white songline" - 30th August 2003 - the Australian
* "Tasmania- Australia's Answer to America's Deep South" by Michael Mansell - 21st October 2002
* "On What Grounds? Sovereignties, Territorialities and Indigenous Rights" by Irene Watson et al- December 2002 -
* "The Road to Native Title: Indigenous People and the Australian Labor Party 1973 -1996" by Gary Foley 2001 -
* "After Mabo, What About Sovereignty?" by Henry Reynolds - Australian Humanities Review - April 1996

This index is under construction
